Flower Farm Glencairn Annuals Perennials Herbs Grasses Vegetables

2010 Photo Contest Winners

Gardening Inspiration!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to send in photos for our first annual photo contest. The contest was a huge success with 53 entries in 3 categories. The photos were judged by a panel of 3 judges, based on their plant and garden interest, not necessarily photo quality. Choosing the winners was a challenging and time consuming task, (we chose joint winners in the 'My Garden' category as we couldn't decide!) but fun to see so many varied gardens too.

Congratulations to Our First Place Winners

Congratulations to the first place winners in each category, Debbie, Carol, Deb and Peter who each received a $50 gift certificate to spend at the farm next year.

  • Joint winner - Carol from London
    Category A: My garden Any shot showing off your garden or part of your garden.
    Judges comments: This photo just shouted 'gardener' at us! Carol's perennial border is in full bloom and with the back drop of the greenhouse looks stunning! We especially liked the dramatic use of the various heights of plants, starting with the Echinacea in the back and working down to groundcover in the front. The garden offers fabulous colour, as well as a variety of textures and plant forms. The statue and hanging basket are beautiful accents too.
  • Joint Winner: Debbie from Barrie
    Category A: My garden Any shot showing off your garden or part of your garden. Debbie's comments: Thanks for letting me brag about my potager, and herb garden. I enjoy the friendly staff at the Flower Farm, and the wonderful flowers and planters.
    Judges comments: We loved Debbie's pottager garden. What a simple idea to combine vegetables, flowers and herbs to create a truly decorative, yet practical garden. The Asiatic lilies in the centre are a lovely touch. We also noted that Debbie grew various plants in containers too - a great way to add a different dimension to the veggie garden.
  • Winner: Deb from Lisle
    Category B: Container(s) - my creation Any shot showing containers that you have created yourself with plants from the Flower Farm.
    Judges comments: Debbie's gorgeous container creation combines Purple Fountain Grass, Lime Sweet Potato Vine, Purple trailing Verbena and Sky Blue trailing Petunia and would thrive in sun or part sun. The contrast of purples with bright lime works beautifully and even the grass ties in with the purple theme. This combination is very practical choice too, requiring only minimal maintenance with Verbena deadheading and offering great fall interest with the grass and Verbena surviving long after the first frost.
  • Winner - Peter from Wasaga Beach
    Category C: Container(s) - bought at Flower Farm Any shot showing ready planted hanging baskets or planters bought at the Flower Farm, but tended and grown by you.
    Peter's comments: 3 kinds of potato vine-this beautiful basket grew 8ft.long
    Judges comments: We loved the natural look that this foliage only hanging basket helps create in Peter's garden. The basket contains Licorice, Ace of Spades Sweet Potato Vine and Lime Sweet Potato Vine. Hanging in a shady spot with ferns and Hosta it blends in beautifully with the foliage theme. The Lime Sweet Potato Vine is stunning and certainly brightens the garden. Just goes to show that you don't always need flowers!


Honourable Mention

Three photos also received an honourable mention, picked from the range of entries in all categories. Well done to Kathy, Debbie and Terrie.

  • Debbie from Everett, Honourable Mention
    I thought I would send one more photo of something else in my garden that I am proud of: my perennial grasses, rock and sign at the front of our house. These grasses are so easy to care for and they come back every year looking like new! I planted chicks and hens in the crevices of the rock a few years back and they just love their home!
  • Kathy from New Lowell - Honourable Mention
    Scaevola is one of my favourites. Not only does it attract the butterflies and bees but, it is a vigorous bloomer all spring, summer and fall.
  • Terrie from Markham, Honourable Mention
    My back garden featured curved shape perrennials and annual flower bed, kidney shaped flower evergreen in centre, a bridge over a pond which connect a square trellis and 2 level of deck.


Category A 'My garden'

Any shot showing off your garden or part of your garden

  • Carol D from London - Joint Winner
    Judges comments: This photo just shouted 'gardener' at us! Carol's perennial border is in full bloom and with the back drop of the greenhouse looks stunning! We especially liked the dramatic use of the various heights of plants, starting with the Echinacea in the back and working down to groundcover in the front. The garden offers fabulous colour, as well as a variety of textures and plant forms. The statue and hanging basket are beautiful accents too.
  • Carol D from London
  • Carol D from London
  • Carol D from London
  • Carol D from London
  • Debbie from Barrie - Joint Winner
    Debbie's comments: Thanks for letting me brag about my potager, and herb garden. I enjoy the friendly staff at the Flower Farm, and the wonderful flowers and planters.
    Judges comments: We loved Debbie's pottager garden. What a simple idea to combine vegetables, flowers and herbs to create a truly decorative, yet practical garden. The Asiatic lilies in the centre are a lovely touch. We also noted that Debbie grew various plants in containers too - a great way to add a different dimension to the veggie garden.
  • Debbie from Barrie
    This is my first year for vegetable gardening: I decided to make a potager, a fancy French name for an Herb, vegetable and Flower garden. I grew almost everything from seed. Now all I have to do is eat it all.
  • Debbie from Barrie
    This is my first year for vegetable gardening: I decided to make a potager, a fancy French name for an Herb, vegetable and Flower garden.
  • Debbie from Barrie
    This is my first year for vegetable gardening: I decided to make a potager, a fancy French name for an Herb, vegetable and Flower garden. I grew almost everything from seed. Now all I have to do is eat it all.
  • Terrie from Markham, Honourable Mentions
    My back garden featured curved shape perrennials and annual flower bed, kidney shaped flower evergreen in centre, a bridge over a pond which connect a square trellis and 2 level of deck.
  • Terrie from Markham, Diagonal View Of Back Garden
    My back garden is an uphill slope with a focal point oblong shape flower bed featured evergreens at the back, in the middle is a row of shrub and another row of perrenials. The front row is annual.
  • Terrie from Markham, Front Rockery
    It is a rockery featured evergreens,small trees standards, groundcovers, perrennials, annuals, shrubs, bulbs, ornamental grasses.
  • Georgi in Dunedin
    I always enjoy getting my flowers, plants and vegetables from Cut & Dried Flower Farm because the plants are always healthy plants and Katie and the staff always help me with my questions whether it’s when I’m buying the plants or later when I need advise on maintaining them!
  • Sandra from New Lowel
    I love lilies and for two years now I have been building my supply as long as my chipmunks don't get into them I have had good success.
  • Sandra from New Lowel
    These were particularly lovely this summer. I really will look forward to your soup recipe.
  • Sandra from New Lowel
    Hi Katie, My plants that I got at your farm this summer did really well. I hope they will weather the winter.
  • Georgi in Dunedin
    I always enjoy getting my flowers, plants and vegetables from Cut & Dried Flower Farm because the plants are always healthy plants and Katie and the staff always help me with my questions whether it’s when I’m buying the plants or later when I need advise on maintaining them!
  • Kathy from New Lowell
    Here's the result of an unplanned flower garden--each of the last five years plants kept having to be moved, added, replaced or squeezed in!
  • Kathy from New Lowell
    I love plant foliage with all the different textures, colours, shapes and sizes. The only requirement for this garden was that each plant had to tolerate dry shade.
  • Kathy from New Lowell
    I fell in love with this little wooden stool when I saw it in a Creemore garbage. Over the years it's gained even more character with the growth of moss and lichen.
  • Kathy from New Lowell - Honourable Mention
    Scaevola is one of my favourites. Not only does it attract the butterflies and bees but, it is a vigorous bloomer all spring, summer and fall.
  • Debbie from Barrie
    Thanks for letting me brag about my potager, and herb garden. I enjoy the friendly staff at the Flower Farm, and the wonderful flowers and planters.
  • Carol D from Brampton
    The five photos I entered for my Brampton gardens display the landscape view of a walkaround of my gardens. 90% of my gardens flowers are perennials surrounded by a 40 X 20 foot pool, arbors and greenhouse. It took me two years to create the gardens including the hardscape.
  • Carol D from Brampton
    The five photos I entered for my Brampton gardens display the landscape view of a walkaround of my gardens. 90% of my gardens flowers are perennials surrounded by a 40 X 20 foot pool, arbors and greenhouse. It took me two years to create the gardens including the hardscape.
  • Carol D from Brampton
    The five photos I entered for my Brampton gardens display the landscape view of a walkaround of my gardens. 90% of my gardens flowers are perennials surrounded by a 40 X 20 foot pool, arbors and greenhouse. It took me two years to create the gardens including the hardscape.
  • Carol D from Brampton
    The five photos I entered for my Brampton gardens display the landscape view of a walkaround of my gardens. 90% of my gardens flowers are perennials surrounded by a 40 X 20 foot pool, arbors and greenhouse. It took me two years to create the gardens including the hardscape.
  • Carol D from Brampton
    The five photos I entered for my Brampton gardens display the landscape view of a walkaround of my gardens. 90% of my gardens flowers are perennials surrounded by a 40 X 20 foot pool, arbors and greenhouse. It took me two years to create the gardens including the hardscape.
  • Debbie H from Everett, Honourable Mentions!
    I thought I would send one more photo of something else in my garden that I am proud of: my perennial grasses, rock and sign at the front of our house. These grasses are so easy to care for and they come back every year looking like new! I planted chicks and hens in the crevices of the rock a few years back and they just love their home!
  • Debbie H from Everett
    I am most proud of this mum which just seemed to grow and grow! Many people have stopped in front of our house to ask how we got this mum to grow so big. I have no idea. I planted it last fall and it was very small. I guess it just liked it's sunny location!! This mum is about 4 feet in diameter.
  • Peter in Wasaga Beach
    Katies red leaf begonias a total of 800 plants
  • Peter in Wasaga Beach
    Welcome to our garden just loaded with Katie's Flower Farm flowers
  • Peter in Wasaga Beach
    Morning sun catching 2 of Katie's hanging baskets hung on the trees
  • Peter in Wasaga Beach
    Browallia Lane
  • Peter in Wasaga Beach
    2 of Katie's hanging baskets & border of pink begonias a total of 360 plants


Category B 'Container(s) - my creation(s)'

Any shot showing containers that you have created yourself with plants from the Flower Farm

  • Deb from Lisle - Winner
    Judges comments: Debbie's gorgeous container creation combines Purple Fountain Grass, Lime Sweet Potato Vine, Purple trailing Verbena and Sky Blue trailing Petunia and would thrive in sun or part sun. The contrast of purples with bright lime works beautifully and even the grass ties in with the purple theme. This combination is very practical choice too, requiring only minimal maintenance with Verbena deadheading and offering great fall interest with the grass and Verbena surviving long after the first frost.
  • Deb from Lisle
  • Deb from Lisle
  • Deb from Lisle
  • Deb from Lisle
  • Kathy from New Lowel
    Thank you, Sandy!! After I told you I'd had no luck with any shade loving plant on this covered porch wall, you suggested Dragonwing Begonia. It was perfect and had a beautiful showing right through fall.
  • Nancy and John from Alliston
    Hi Katie You can see the results of our flowers this year, Nancy and John
  • Nancy and John from Alliston
    Hi Katie You can see the results of our flowers this year, Nancy and John
  • Nancy and John from Alliston
    Hi Katie You can see the results of our flowers this year, Nancy and John
  • Peter from Wasaga Beach
    Katies dragon wing begonias 4 plants per 10 in. pot these planters grew over 3ft. wide
  • Peter from Wasaga Beach
    the little pot over the coleus planter is a pond plant in a solid glass vase- an experiment- that worked out well
  • Peter from Wasaga Beach
    New Gieanna Impatiens. More of Katie's pink begonias
  • Peter from Wasaga Beach
    My favourite pot of Katie's flowers
  • Peter from Wasaga Beach
    wave petunias (baskets) -a pot of dusty miller+red begonias +purple salvia+yellow marigolds


C 'Container(s) - bought at Flower Farm'

Any shot showing ready planted hanging baskets or planters bought at the Flower Farm, but tended and grown by you

  • Peter from Wasaga - Winner
    Peter's comments: 3 kinds of potato vine-this beautiful basket grew 8ft.long
    Judges comments: We loved the natural look that this foliage only hanging basket helps create in Peter's garden. The basket contains Licorice, Ace of Spades Sweet Potato Vine and Lime Sweet Potato Vine. Hanging in a shady spot with ferns and Hosta it blends in beautifully with the foliage theme. The Lime Sweet Potato Vine is stunning and certainly brightens the garden. Just goes to show that you don't always need flowers!
  • Peter from Wasaga
    this view shows 4 of Katie's baskets.All of Cut & Dried Flower Farm's containers were absolutely gorgeous!
  • Peter from Wasaga
    This basket of white flowers (I forgot the name) complimented our angel scene perfectly
  • Peter from Wasaga
    Dragonwing begonias -purple potato vine-licorice -this basket grew 6ft.
  • Peter from Wasaga
    Cut & Dried Flower Farm's beautiful Million Bells!
  • Valerie from Mansfield
    Tons of Colour for Hummingbirds!
  • Valerie from Mansfield
    Extremely happy baskets
  • Valerie from Mansfield
    Happy plants from happy baskets, I think it was a good year for gardening!
  • Valerie from Mansfield
    Herbs, vines and superbells
  • Valerie from Mansfield
    Where did they plant the catnip?







Globe Thistle

Exotic Impatiens

Bleeding Hearts

Super Bells