Diervilla Kodiak – Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle

Shrubs are fast growing and will grow equally well in sun, shade or drought conditions.


Hydrangea Limelight Prime

Limelight Prime is a new and improved version of Hydrangea Limelight and is a PG or panicle type of Hydrangea.

+ Rebecca Clematis


Clematis is easy to grow and cultivate.

+ cornusstol arctic fire

Cornus Arctic Fire

Arctic Fire Dogwood provides bright winter interest against the snow in the winter and early spring.

+ Flower Carpet Roses

Flower Carpet Roses

Flower Carpet Roses are very resistant to the traditional rose diseases and rarely suffer from any major insect damage.

+ Czechmark Trilogy photo courtesy Proven Winners.

Weigela Czechmark

Czechmark is a new series of Weigela shrub that showcases just how much flower power this old-fashioned favourite is capable of.

+ Physocarpus Summer Wine foliage is purple with dark stems, creating a gorgeous contrast against other green or yellow foliage. Courtesy of Proven Winners.

Physocarpus Summer Wine

The foliage of Physocarpus Summer Wine is really what makes this shrub so great – foliage is purple with dark stems, creating a gorgeous contrast against other green or yellow foliage.


Native shrub provides year round interest Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis) is a native shrub that you will find growing in our countryside. It is also a wonderful large shrub for the garden, eventually growing to about 20’ high and 10’ wide. Each plant is multi stemmed and as the plant grows it develops into a beautiful airy architectural shape. Leaves are small and silvery green…. Read More

+ Dark Purple Lilac Bloomerang

Lilac Bloomerang

Reblooming Lilacs now in 3 colours Lilac blooms are so heavenly – have you ever wished you could enjoy them longer? Take a look at our reblooming dwarf Bloomerang Lilacs. Due to the popularity of the first introduction, Purple, 2 more colours are now available – Dark Purple and Pink Perfume. Plants produce the classic gorgeous scented flowers in late spring, then re bloom… Read More