Leek and Potato Soup
As a child growing up in Wales, I helped my Mum to grow the welsh national vegetable, leeks. On St Davids Day (1st March) we would go to school with a leek pinned to our jackets!! So its no surprise that I have a bit of a passion for growing and eating leeks. They are easy to grow and provide great food right up… Read More

Tomato Salad
There’s truly nothing that tastes better than a home grown tomato picked fresh from the vine! Enjoy this easy to make Tomato Salad when your tomatoes are at their best in the summer! There are really no quantities, just keep it simple to let the true fresh flavours shine through. A selection of fresh tomatoes – try to include a variety of sizes, shapes… Read More
Roasted Veggies
Easy recipe for the BBQ or the oven! In the summer and fall, when your veggies are at their most productive it can sometimes be challenging to find the inspiration for new recipes to use up your produce. This delicious recipe is great as you can add whatever you have plenty of! Ingredients A selection of fresh veggies – choose from eggplant, bell pepper,… Read More
Katie’s Quick Green Sauce for Pasta
Stop by and check out our very cool Swiss Chard planters or grow your own! Easy to grow, these rainbow stemmed Swiss Chard plants are a delight to grow and eat. The plants will go on producing colourful stems of leafy greens until the snow flies. Keep close to the kitchen door and harvest select stems all season long. We also have various other… Read More

Eggplant Parmesan
Eggplant are easy to grow, look beautiful and usually reward you with a bountiful crop, but what to do with them, besides slicing and barbequing and using in pasta sauces, my favourite recipe is Eggplant Parmesan – adapted from the Moosewood Cookbook. For those of you growing Eggplants this year, as promised, here it is… Ingredients 2 medium eggplants (about 7″ long) 3/4 cup… Read More

Katie’s Easy Pesto Recipe
One of my favourite summer recipes is Pesto, made with fresh Basil from the garden. I don’t really have quantities, just ingredients, but after you’ve made it a couple of times you’ll get the hang of it and you can adapt it to your own taste. The trick is to use lots of Basil and not too much oil. Here’s how to do it…… Read More
Australian Zucchini Cheese Bake
This recipe was given to me by an Australian friend and over the years I have adapted it! It has now become a staple in our home that I can quickly whip up on a work and school night. If you grow Zucchini, you will be familiar with how productive they can become so I hope this gives you another idea of how to… Read More