Container Planting Service

Get a jump on the season and take advantage of our time saving container planting service!
Here's How it Works
Bring us your containers in April or May or choose from our selection of empty containers here. Katie will personally custom design each container, depending on your flower and colour preferences and final location of containers. We will then plant, grow and care for your containers until you pick them up.
By late May your containers will be full and beautiful - ready to enjoy!
Growing Fee
Please contact us to discuss the growing fee for your containers. The growing fee includes, professional design, planting, potting soil, slow release fertilizer, growing space in greenhouse and care until pick up. Plant cost will be additional.
Newsletter Articles
Designer mixed planters & hanging baskets
The following plant information about our custom container planting service, mixed planters and hanging baskets is taken from back issues of our E newsletters. If you are not yet signed up to receive our regular e-newsletters throughout the season, you can subscribe here.
Check out our 2013 collection!
May 2013
Our selection this year of mixed planters and mixed hanging baskets is second to none! Every year I dream up a few new stunners to tempt you but we always grow the tried and tested as well. Each container design is a combination of plants chosen and grown together for their exceptional form, texture and colour as well as for their ability to live harmoniously for the season in the same container. You can be sure if the container is marked as a shade lover all plants will thrive in the shade. We also use our special water holding gel compost in all our mixed containers which helps reduce watering needs once you have it home. We top dress each container with slow release fertilizer granules so if you forget to fertilize once in a while you are covered. Both the compost and fertilizer are little extras that make our containers last all season and help make you more successful with your plants. My favourite planter combo this year? – Superbells Yellow and Dreamsicle with Sweet Potato Vine Blackie.
Superbells Yellow and Dreamsicle
with Sweet Potato Vine Blackie
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A selection of our 2013 planter designs
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2012 Creemore planters
Another new look!!
June 2012
It was our pleasure to once again be asked to grow the street planters on behalf of the BIA for downtown Creemore. This was our fourth year designing and growing the planters and each year we have designed a fresh look. This year’s selection will stand up well to summer heat and drought while providing a bright and cheery colour combination. Most of the plants should survive well after the first frost into the fall.
The plant mix is as follows:
- Purple Fountain Grass
- Verbena Scarlet
- Bidens Goldilocks
- Licorice plant
- Blue Fescue Grass
- Sweet Potato Vine Raven
Check out the planters next time you are in town and let us know what you think!
Stunning white flowering mixed containers
Who needs colour when you have white?
May 2012
As usual this year we have grown a range of mixed hanging baskets in a wide colour palette. However, this season we decided to let white - an often underused colour - be appreciated for its beauty and purity by creating some mixed white baskets. The end result is stunning! By combining white trailing Petunias, white Superbells and white Euphorbia Diamond Frost we have created a white wonderland! These baskets must be seen!! The combination will thrive in full or partial sun and plants require no deadheading. As with all hanging baskets and planters, ensure you fertilize with a soluble fertilizer such as Miracle Grow with every watering or at least twice a week. The baskets are 13” wide and can be hung as is or hangers can be removed and the basket dropped into any container for an instant full look. They will look stunning from a distance or up against a darker coloured house or door. No need to be having a wedding to appreciate the beauty of white!
2011 Creemore planters
Airy & delicate but very tough!!
July 2011
This is our third year designing, planting and growing the street planters for downtown Creemore. This year we swapped the Dragon Wing Begonias for a more delicate, airy look created with white Diamond Frost Euphorbias. All plants should stand up well to the summer heat but also tolerate cold and even light frost in the fall. Check out the planters next time you are in town! Here is the plant mix: Euphorbia Diamond Frost, Verbena Superbena Dark Blue, Bidens Peters Gold, Licorice plant and Sweet Potato Vine Lime. Let us know what you think!
Katie's Barrels
2010 Summer and Winter Versions!
Thought I'd share with you the combinations that I grew in my barrels this season. I used a mix of three amazing plant varieties that really worked well together and gave us an interesting, easy display all season long, with no maintenance other than fertilizing. I used Dragon Wing Begonia Pink with Carex Prairie Fire and Sweet Potato Vine Bronze. The Dragon Wings are amazing plants that provide great colour all season long and will thrive in sun or shade.
The Carex grass is also one of my favourites as it adds such a neat texture and develops a gorgeous red tinge in the fall. The trailing bronze Sweet Potato Vine is a fairly new colour with the vigour of the lime variety. (Anyone who has grown the lime Sweet Potato Vine will know that it is extremely vigorous!) After the frost, I pulled out the Potato Vine and Dragon Wings and made a pumpkin display with the grasses. After Halloween I still left the grasses and decorated with branches of Dogwood and Yew and other seed heads which I will leave for the winter season.
Katie's Deck Planters 2009
An easy and unusual combo!
November 2009
Thought I'd share with you my plant choices this year for my home deck as I think they worked really well. I used Swiss Chard as an ornamental (did not eat these plants!) and combined it with annual ornamental grasses, Carex Prairie Fire (left and right planters) and Carex Amazon Mist centre planter). The result was a simple, clean look, with no deadheading (I did fertilize though!), and only a small amount of maintenance to remove old Swiss Chard leaves. The Swiss Chard did wilt a little in the heat, but with a good drink it perked back up again as you watched. The Carex grasses offered some fabulous texture and Prairie Fire developed a gorgeous red tinge as the summer and fall went on.
All plants are frost hardy, we gained an extra 6 weeks of enjoyment from them after the first frost. The photo below was taken in October and I cleaned out the planters on November 8th, before they froze in - they still looked beautiful and I enjoyed watching the wind play with the grasses as I sat at my desk. Something to consider for next year...
Our Plants Brighten up
Downtown Creemore
July 2009
If you are out and about over the summer, drop by the village of Creemore and check out the planter boxes on the street. This year the BIA commissioned us to design, plant and grow the containers. We used a combination of Talinum Limon, Begonia Dragon Wing Red, Verbena Superbena Burgundy, Licorice plant, Sweet Potato Vine Lime and Blackie to create a classy, eye catching, hardy show that can tolerate the rigours of street life! Let us know what you think!
Customer Comments
May 27, 2007
Katie - just picked up my containers, they look great! Thanks for the instant garden, I've been so busy this year I would never have had time to plant these myself. Last year I enjoyed my containers well into October by pulling them into the garage on a few cold nights.
Valerie in Mansfield