Hanging Baskets & Planters
Our range of hanging basket and planter varieties extends far beyond Geraniums and Fuchsias to include some stunning performers. Again, all new selections are thoroughly researched and viewed at trials, so you can be sure you are buying the best. Browse through the colourful rows of Dragon Wing Begonias, Scaevolas, Spreading Petunias and many others, or select a gorgeous designer mixed basket. Take home some planters for a ready made patio or deck garden.

Our hanging baskets and planters are not just grown to look good at selling time, they are grown to survive! All hanging baskets and planters are grown using a special gel compost which holds water far longer than regular compost, resulting in less watering requirements. For containers in sunny or windy locations this is a huge benefit and you will certainly notice the difference! We also top dress all our hanging baskets and planters with a slow release fertilizer to ensure adequate feeding for the season. (Although, we strongly recommend additional liquid fertilizing through the summer.)

So, stop by, be inspired and choose from our selection of over 600 Hanging Baskets and 200 Planters for an instant splash of colour this year.
Have a favourite container? Read about our container planting service.
Newsletter Articles
The following plant information about our Hanging Baskets and Planters is taken from back issues of our E newsletters. If you are not yet signed up to receive our regular e newsletters throughout the season, you can subscribe here.
Bubblegum Petunia Planters
Massive colour!
June 2015
I am really excited about our huge pink Bubblegum Petunia planters this year! They truly are massive and offer great value for money and flower power! Just place in full or partial sun, water and fertilize well. Then watch them grow and bloom all season long. Bubblegum belongs in a group of Petunias called Supertunias. They are bred to be spreading and will easily grow 2 feet per plant.
Long gone are the days when you had to pick off individual blooms to allow for re blooming as Supertunias require no deadheading. Bubblegum is available both in 14” planters, 12” hanging baskets and individual pots for planting in the ground or in containers. Fancy a darker pink? We have also grown Fuchsia which is a deeper pink, and just as vigorous and crazy!
2015 Mixed Planters
Check out Katie's unique combos
May 2014
A good part of my winter each year involves researching and designing our mixed planter combinations for spring. Each year I try to change a few things up, but also keep the tried and tested favourite combinations. All our planters are grown using a special potting mix containing water holding gel – great for windy and hot locations. Planters are also top dressed with slow release fertilizer to give them an extra boost if you forget to fertilize. You may be hard pressed to find both these extras at our competition. Our designs are quite unique – all developed by myself after more than 20 years of experience working with various plant varieties.
When designing the combos, I consider many details, including shape, form, texture, colour, sun requirements, drought tolerance, vigour and care requirements. This spring, we have grown over 200 unique planters and I definitely have a few favourites – one combination, shown below features the white and airy Lobularia Snow Princess, dainty and vivid Supertunia Indigo Charm and soft lemon yellow Superbells Yellow Chiffon. All intermingle delicately and beautifully in this 16” planter, ideal for a sun or part shade location. Many customers will use whole planter as an ‘insert’ to drop into a more decorative container – an instant and easy way to create outside colour. Stop by soon to check out these and many other gorgeous mixed planters in a range of sizes and shapes.
Gorgeous mixed planters
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Adjustable Railing Planters
Nifty little gadgets to brighten up your deck railings!
May 2014
Brand new this year, I saw this product at a trade show and decided we should try some. The 24” long planters are a typical window box shape, but have a great system for fastening onto any size railing. As the photo shows, the two plastic hooks widen out to hook over a railing and can be secured in place at any width. On the bottom of the planter is a stopper which also adjusts to support the planter at the bottom and keep it level. Inside the planter there is a reservoir to hold water which helps prevent fast drying out. The adjustable railing planters are made of good quality green plastic and are a great product for those of us who have problems getting a planter to hang well off a railing. This year, we have grown three different plant combinations for you to choose from. If you like how the adjustable railing planters work for you, bring them back in to be replanted next year. Clear as mud?? Come on in and take a look for yourself!
Planters for your deck railings
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Hundreds of hanging baskets and planters!
Buy from a grower!
May 2014
In our greenhouses, you will find a huge selection of hanging baskets and planters to choose from! We are proud to design, plant and grow all our own containers. Designs are formulated over the winter and the planting process starts in early March so that by now all our containers are full, beautiful and ready to find new homes! By growing all our own product, we have full control over varieties, colours and quality of plants. It also means that we have the freedom to grow new varieties and design new combinations to keep the choice fresh.
All our containers are grown in a potting mix containing a special water holding gel to help reduce watering requirements. Every container has been top dressed with slow release fertilizer to ensure that even if you do not fertilize (and for best results you should), the plants should still thrive throughout the season. You can be sure that when you buy a mixed container from us, it has been well grown and will flower all summer until the frost arrives or after. All plants are chosen to be compatible together. Our containers are grown to last!
Flower Towers
New and unique this year!
May 2014
Have you seen our new Flower Towers yet? I found these unique containers at a greenhouse trade show last fall and decided to give them a try! We have designed and grown 2 different combinations of mixed Superbells and Sweet Potato Vine. The upright columns will flower all summer in full sun and require no maintenance other than fertilizing. Great to stand on a deck or porch. For best results and to provide all sides with even light, give your tower a turn every day or so. Watering down the centre tube will ensure that moisture reaches the bottom of the tower in ideal quantities. We also have the unplanted flower tower kits available for sale if you fancy planting your own combination.
Designer mixed planters and hanging baskets
Check out our 2013 collection!
May 2013
Our selection this year of mixed planters and mixed hanging baskets is second to none! Every year I dream up a few new stunners to tempt you but we always grow the tried and tested as well. Each container design is a combination of plants chosen and grown together for their exceptional form, texture and colour as well as for their ability to live harmoniously for the season in the same container. You can be sure if the container is marked as a shade lover all plants will thrive in the shade. We also use our special water holding gel compost in all our mixed containers which helps reduce watering needs once you have it home. We top dress each container with slow release fertilizer granules so if you forget to fertilize once in a while you are covered. Both the compost and fertilizer are little extras that make our containers last all season and help make you more successful with your plants. My favourite planter combo this year? – Superbells Yellow and Dreamsicle with Sweet Potato Vine Blackie.
Superbells Yellow and Dreamsicle with
Sweet Potato Vine Blackie
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Illumination Begonia Hanging Baskets
Showy colour all summer long
May 2013
Do you have a shady spot for a hanging basket or planter? Our Illumination Begonia hanging baskets are looking fabulous this year! These trailing Begonias are loaded with huge double hanging blooms all summer. They are available in salmon or my personal favourite, apricot and are absolutely gorgeous! They do require a spot in either full or partial shade, great for those of us who have too much shade for Petunias and Superbells but still love large, showy blooms. Don’t forget that hanging baskets can also be used in planters – just take off the hangers and pop in to the right size planter. For a simple and classy display, try transplanting Illumination Begonia with shade loving foliage plants such as Vinca Vine, Sweet Potato Vine or Plectranthus Nico. Illumination Begonias will reward you with showy colour all summer long that will make your neighbours jealous!
Stunning white flowering mixed containers
Who needs colour when you have white?
May 2012
As usual this year we have grown a range of mixed hanging baskets in a wide colour palette. However, this season we decided to let white - an often underused colour - be appreciated for its beauty and purity by creating some mixed white baskets. The end result is stunning! By combining white trailing Petunias, white Superbells and white Euphorbia Diamond Frost we have created a white wonderland! These baskets must be seen!! The combination will thrive in full or partial sun and plants require no deadheading. As with all hanging baskets and planters, ensure you fertilize with a soluble fertilizer such as Miracle Grow with every watering or at least twice a week. The baskets are 13” wide and can be hung as is or hangers can be removed and the basket dropped into any container for an instant full look. They will look stunning from a distance or up against a darker coloured house or door. No need to be having a wedding to appreciate the beauty of white!
Superbell Hanging Baskets
Fabulous flowers all season long!
May 2012
Our most popular hanging basket every year is without a doubt Superbells (or Calibrachoa for Latin lovers!) This year we are growing 9 different colours ranging right through the colour spectrum from plum and blue to pink and red to orange and yellow. If you are feeling overwhelmed with colour choices, check out our colour coordinated mixed Superbell hanging baskets - we have 3 different designs to choose from. Superbells are perfectly suited to hanging baskets, creating a soft mound which hangs over the pot. Bred by Proven Winners to be good in heat and sun, they will thrive in a hot location and get larger and larger through the season. If you have not yet tried Superbells, make sure you have it on your list for this year! Of course, as with all hanging baskets, the hangers can be removed and the basket can be dropped into another planter or decorative container for an instant full look. As with all annuals, please ensure you fertilize our Superbell hanging baskets regularly - a water soluble fertilizer like Miracle Grow is perfect each time you water.
Unique 'Weekender' Hanging Baskets
Saves water and time!
June 2011
For the 2011 season, we have grown a truly unique and innovative style of hanging basket. Our 'weekender' hanging baskets measure 16" in diameter and are made of durable black plastic. In the bottom of the basket is a large water reservoir, which holds 1 gallon of water and a wick system which draws moisture up into the plant roots. Watering is only required every 3 to 4 days and less water is also used compared to a traditional basket. This basket is a perfect for people who go away a lot or just want less work outside. Bring the basket back to us next spring for replanting. We have grown several stunning designs which really are at their best now! Stop in soon and check out this new and unique item.
Sweet Potato Vine Hangers
New for 2010!
June 2010
We have used Sweet Potato Vine for years in our mixed baskets and planters and it is a truly amazing plant, requiring virtually no care, except fertilizing and watering. The lush, tropical style foliage growth fills out beautifully, spills over containers and trails down. This season, we decided to focus on the beauty of this plant and grow some baskets featuring this plant alone. We have a good selection of both one variety baskets and mixed variety baskets available and they are filling out beautifully. You can hang in full sun or full shade - this plant isn't fussy! The foliage colours are gorgeous, and cover a wide range of colours, including lime green, dark purple, bronze, variegated green and yellow and variegated pink, white and green. If you have limited hanging space, why not just snip off the hangers and place on a table or in a planter? Wherever you choose to display, these baskets are sure to enhance your outdoor space all season long, and the best part...they are so easy!!
Mixed Superbell Hanging Baskets
New for 2010!
May 2010
Last summer, while visiting grower trials, I was inspired by some of the gorgeous mixed Superbell displays, so this winter I got busy!! I designed a new collection of hanging baskets, containing mixed colours of one type of plant. The results are mixed baskets of Sweet Potato Vine, trailing Petunia, trailing Verbena or Superbells. The mixed Superbell baskets are stunning - gorgeous mixes of intertwining vibrant colours. These baskets are an excellent choice for a hot and sunny location. They do not require deadheading and form a large hanging mound that just keeps getting bigger all summer long! As with all our baskets and planters, we use a special compost containing a water holding gel which helps reduce watering requirements. All our baskets are also top dressed with a slow release fertilizer – just a couple of little extras that you wont find at the chain garden centres. So stop by soon and check out our mixed Superbell baskets – we have grown 4 different colour combinations – something for all tastes!
Cone Hanging Baskets
Jazz up your home with our new classy cones!
May 2009
Have you seen our new classy mixed moss Cone Hanging Baskets yet? They are absolutely stunning! Last year, when we introduced our collection of 12" moss cone baskets, they flew out the door like there was no tomorrow, so over the winter I designed some larger mixed cones. They are 16" in diameter, allowing for some creative mixes of plants. Choose from 4 different designs, including these spectacular beauties containing Dragon Wing Begonia Pink, Bidens, Sweet Potato Vine Blackie and Vinca Vine. Drop by and take a look - very hard to resist!
Railing Planters
New this year!
June 2008
I just had to mention our gorgeous new railing planters filled with eye catching combinations of trailing and mounding annuals! Right now they are looking fabulous! We have grown 2 designs, the one shown in the photo is a combination of bright blues, lime green and orange. We also have grown a pink, purple and white combo. Both designs will thrive in full or part sun. The containers fit neatly and easily on a 2x6" railing with no special attachments required. With a bit of engineering they can also be adjusted to fit a 2x4" railing. They will add colour to a deck railing, or how about brightening up a bridge railing? The decorative black metal container contains a coconut fibre liner which can be reused next year. Must be seen!
Huge Hanging Baskets
June 2008
We still have a few of our giant hanging baskets available. We grew three fabulous designs this year and they are absolutely stunning and will continue to get bigger and better as the season goes on! For a sunny location, choose from a gorgeous mix of pinks or a lime, blue, orange mix. For the shade, try our combination of bright reds and bronze. They are easy to care for as they are so huge that they hold moisture well. Just remember to fertilize! They will look perfect hanging from an old style veranda or on a front porch. Pots can be returned next year for replanting.
Moss Cone Hanging Baskets
Classy and New!
May 2008
Our new cone shaped hanging baskets have already been attracting lots of attention! The 12" diameter baskets are made with wire and lined with plastic and moss. We have selected 10 different plant varieties to try in them this year, including Double Impatiens, Superbells and Dragon Wing Begonias. The results so far look fantastic! The hangers are wire chain, but they are stiff, so no more fumbling around in the centre of the pot trying to find the hanger. (For all the more practical folk out there, we even provide a pot to sit them in to get them home!)