Winter Damage
Winter damage is due to winter weather, especially drying winds.
Hydrangea Leaftier Control
Usually there is only one caterpillar per pouch and it will eat its way through the flower bud, destroying any chance of the bloom developing.

We all need pollinators Here’s some ‘food for thought’ – Somewhere between 75% and 95% of all flowering plants on the earth need help with pollination – they need pollinators to reproduce. Since pollinators provide pollination services to over 180,000 different plant species and more than 1200 crops, this means that 1 out of every 3 bites of food you eat is because of… Read More

Dream, Create, Enjoy
Create your own containers with a little help Need ideas to fill your containers? Kelly has created a display to showcase some container planting designs. She has designed and planted 4 different containers which are displayed with all the plants you need to create your own version at home. We hope that these designs will take the work out of choosing plants for your… Read More

Garden Design Service
Be sure to include heights and widths of windows or any existing plant material, including big trees to get the best garden design.

Cut Flower Transplants
Try a few of these easy to grow flowers and enjoy cut flowers all summer long.

Weed Control
Specific benefits include preventing weed growth, preserving moisture and warming the soil.