Attract Bees to Your Garden
Most gardeners are familiar with the vital role that bees and other pollinators play within the ecosystem. Bees are amazing pollinators – in addition to the familiar honeybee, there are about 4000 species of native or wild bees in North America including bumblebees, carpenter bees, sweat bees, leafcutter bees and mason bees. However, due to causes that are still not fully understood, bee populations… Read More

How to Start a Beginner Veggie Garden
The benefits of home grown produce are huge – cheaper, fresher, more flavourful and extremely satisfying! If you’re new to vegetable gardening, don’t be daunted – these simple guidelines are easy to follow and intended for beginner veggie gardeners. Choose your location and size Choose a level site with at least 8 hours of direct sun. Close to the house is preferable as usually… Read More

Why is my Hydrangea not blooming?
One of the most common questions that we are asked by visitors to the farm is ‘Why is my Hydrangea not blooming?’ It’s a fair enough question – I work with plants every day and I am still learning – Hydrangeas used to be so easy! 10 years ago there were only a few varieties, but in the past few years, plant breeders have… Read More

Growing Fruit Bushes
There has been a real resurgence in veggie gardening over the past few years and by all accounts the trend will continue as more people discover the joys of growing and tending their own veggies. Not only can veggie gardening become a rewarding and all consuming hobby, but it provides a selection of healthy, cheap, fresh and delicious produce. Veggies are terrific, but what… Read More
Aphid Control
Aphids are common insect pests in this area. They can attack a huge range of plants – outdoor plants, indoor plants, ornamentals or edibles. Trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals and veggies can all be affected. Aphids can be a real nuisance in gardens, especially as the temperature warms up in the summer. The aphid itself is a soft bodied insect, about 2mm long which feeds… Read More
The Downy Mildew Story
Downy Mildew is a disease of plants that has started affecting certain commercially grown ornamental plants in Ontario over the last 5 or 6 years. Bedding Impatiens, so widely grown for their excellent performance in shade are one of the plants that have been particularly badly hit. Today, plants will be growing beautifully but tomorrow, suddenly wilt and die fast. There are theories that… Read More