Diervilla Kodiak – Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle
Shrubs are fast growing and will grow equally well in sun, shade or drought conditions.

Hydrangea Limelight Prime
Limelight Prime is a new and improved version of Hydrangea Limelight and is a PG or panicle type of Hydrangea.

Cornus Arctic Fire
Arctic Fire Dogwood provides bright winter interest against the snow in the winter and early spring.

Flower Carpet Roses
Flower Carpet Roses are very resistant to the traditional rose diseases and rarely suffer from any major insect damage.

Weigela Czechmark
Czechmark is a new series of Weigela shrub that showcases just how much flower power this old-fashioned favourite is capable of.

Physocarpus Summer Wine
The foliage of Physocarpus Summer Wine is really what makes this shrub so great – foliage is purple with dark stems, creating a gorgeous contrast against other green or yellow foliage.
Native shrub provides year round interest Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis) is a native shrub that you will find growing in our countryside. It is also a wonderful large shrub for the garden, eventually growing to about 20’ high and 10’ wide. Each plant is multi stemmed and as the plant grows it develops into a beautiful airy architectural shape. Leaves are small and silvery green…. Read More

Lilac Bloomerang
Reblooming Lilacs now in 3 colours Lilac blooms are so heavenly – have you ever wished you could enjoy them longer? Take a look at our reblooming dwarf Bloomerang Lilacs. Due to the popularity of the first introduction, Purple, 2 more colours are now available – Dark Purple and Pink Perfume. Plants produce the classic gorgeous scented flowers in late spring, then re bloom… Read More