Use Ground Cover Fabric for a Fabulous Veggie Crop
We have such a perfect climate for growing heat loving veggies and herbs such as Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant, Zucchini, Basil and many more. Try using a mulch or ground cover on your veggie garden this year and you will see benefits both in reduced work hours and increased harvests. Specific benefits include preventing weed growth, preserving moisture and warming the soil. When we field grew cut flowers, ground cover was our secret tool and it worked amazingly! Now I use it in our veggie garden every year. Ground cover fabric is a woven polypropylene fabric, usually black – if you’ve ever looked down in our greenhouses this is what we lay on the ground. It is available at hardware stores or larger garden centres – sorry we do not carry it.
This is what to do:
- Till your garden and add manure or topsoil if necessary
- Lay out a sheet of ground cover fabric where you are planting vegetable plants
- Stake down well with 6″ spikes
- Figure out where you are planting and slice Xs in the material
- Plant in the holes and water well as initially the plants will be shocked by the heat
- At the end of the year, cut down dead plants, pull up the fabric and reuse next year.
Try it and see the results for yourself!