First of its kind!
Most customers are familiar with the popular trailing varieties of Sweet Potato Vine. They are one of our standard annual varieties here at the farm and we use them a lot in mixed planters and baskets. Due to some exciting recent breeding work, we are now able to grow the first ever Climbing Sweet Potato Vine, a brand new variety called Solar Tower Lime.
Impressive annual
We have trialled it in individual pots and also in planters, both as a stand alone variety or with other plants. I am very impressed with this plant! Try Solar Tower as a centre piece in a container, and surround with mounding and trailing plants. In the ground, it will climb a fence, trellis or post and provide bright, tropical inspired foliage right up to frost. As the name suggests, Solar Tower loves the sun and heat, so just plant in full sun and watch it grow!

Climbing Sweet Potato Vine Solar Tower Lime