Flower Farm Glencairn Annuals Perennials Herbs Grasses Vegetables

Annual Flowers and Foliage

Huge selection of Annuals and Hanging Baskets

Enter our award winning greenhouses and let your senses be overwhelmed with colour and scents! Our 4 Annual greenhouses are packed full with a huge range of new and exciting annual plants. All plants are grown on the farm - we do not buy in and resell, even when our supplies become low. Katie takes much pride in variety selection, researching and growing plants that are top performers, including many hard to find and unique varieties. Come see for yourself!

Huge selection of Annuals and Hanging Baskets


Specialty Flowers & Foliage

One of Katie's passions is to research and grow new and exciting annuals and to encourage customers to try them at home, so our collection of specialty and premium flowers and foliage is extensive. Every summer Katie visits several trial gardens to view and select new varieties, bringing you the newest and the best plants.

We grow over 100 varieties and colours with the selection increasing each year. Look here for hardy and sun loving trailing Verbenas and Scaevolas. Browse the showy Exotic Impatiens and Callas for the shade. Check out a whole range of foliage varieties including striking Sweet Potato vines, colourful Coleus and several Grass varieties. Combine colours and textures to create your own home made planters. We are pleased to be a Proven Winner Certified Garden Centre and carry a good range of these premium plants. For more about Proven Winners visit their website.

Newsletter Articles

The following plant information about our Annual Flowers and Foliage is taken from back issues of our E newsletters. If you are not yet signed up to receive our regular e newsletters throughout the season, you can subscribe here.

Superbells Sweet Tart

New for 2015!

June 2015

Superbells Sweet TartI love Superbells! This gorgeous annual is available this year in 12 different colours so you can be sure to find a colour to suit your taste and décor! However, our favourite new colour for 2015 is the lovely Superbells Sweet Tart. This unique variety features beautiful coral pink blooms with yellow centres. Plants form a large dense mound and will just keep getting larger through the season!

Superbells are very easy to grow and will thrive in heat and full or part sun. No deadheading is required, just fertilize and water regularly. We have grown Sweet Tart in 12” hanging baskets and also in individual pots for planting in ground or in containers. Try combining Sweet Tart with yellow Bidens Goldilocks for a real colour punch!

Purple Fountain Grass

Fabulous annual colour and texture

May 2015

Purple Fountain GrassGrasses provide outstanding colour, texture and form in the garden. Tall perennial varieties are best suited to planting in the ground whereas shorter perennial grasses and annual types can be planted in containers or in the ground. All grasses generally are heat and drought tolerant and are very easy to grow. One of my favourite annual grasses is the Purple Fountain Grass. Foliage is a lovely dark burgundy and upright in form. Fluffy grass flowers with a red / purple tinge rise above the foliage and wave about gently in the wind. Plants grow at least 2 feet high but will grow taller with extra watering.

One of the advantages of using this grass in your garden is that it will still look great after several frosts in the fall and can even be left all winter for extra texture. I love using Purple Fountain Grass as the centre ‘thriller’ in large containers. Surround with Dragon Wing Begonias, Superbells, Trailing Petunias or Sweet Potato Vine and you will have a no fail, easy and beautiful planter!


Spreading Zinnia Profusion

Bright and easy!

May 2015

We have grown spreading Zinnias for many years now and they are often passed by in the greenhouses as they are typically sold green or in bud and are just not as eye catching as the flowering plants. Do not pass this plant by again! Once planted and established in your garden, Profusion Zinnias will put on a show stopping performance! Growing to about a height of 12” high and 18” wide, they will be covered in masses of bright and sturdy flowers all season long. Choose from a variety of bright colours - Orange, Cherry, Fire, Apricot and White. I love combining orange, apricot and white plants for a fun and cheery mix. Just plant in full sun and watch them grow!

Spreading Zinnia Profusion

Spreading Zinnia Profusion

New Timeless Geraniums for 2015

No fail summer colour!

April 2015

I am really excited about our new varieties of annual Geranium, bred by Proven Winners! The Timeless series of Geraniums are available in a vibrant selection of colours including Pink, Orange and a rich deep red named Fire. Timeless are a cross between a zonal and ivy Geranium so have a slightly cascading ivy habit with ivy flowers, but zonal style large, deep green velvet foliage. Flowers are plentiful and large – so plenty of colour! They are exceptionally heat tolerant and vigorous, thriving in a sunny location either in planters or in the garden.

For best results, deadhead and fertilize regularly. Over my years of growing plants, I have discovered that Proven Winner plants are hard to beat. They really are some of the best performing plants around. Stop by soon and check out these beauties!

Timeless Geraniums from Proven Winners

Proven Winners Timeless Geraniums

Cleome Senorita Rosalita

Tall, bold colour all season long!

June 2014

Dianthus Black Cherry WildWe have grown this stunning Cleome for several years now and everyone who buys it comes back for more the next year! Senorita Rosalita is a large, bushy annual plant which performs beautifully in a barrel or in the ground. In containers, be careful what you combine it with as it grows so tall, it could easily dwarf other plants around it.

Flowers are lilac pink and cover the plant all season long. They do not require deadheading, the only maintenance being regular fertilizing. Senorita Rosalita loves the sun and heat and will grow up to 36” in height. My favourite way to use this plant is to plant it amongst perennials in the ground. They combine beautifully together, with Senorita Rosalita providing colour right up to frost.

Verbena Royale

New Royale varieties for 2014!

May 2014

This year we are growing a new series of Verbenas called Superbena Royale. Bred by Proven Winners, they are an improvement over the older Superbenas as they stay a little more compact and are not quite so sprawly. Several colours are available, including Chambray (dark blue), Silverdust (light blue), Plum Wine (burgundy), Whitecap (white), and Peachy Keen (peach). Verbenas are sun loving annual plants and are quite drought tolerant. They are great spreaders, both in the garden as a ground cover or in containers where they will trail, growing about 6 – 12” in height. Flowers are formed in large showy balls which give great colour all through the season. Even after several frosts in the fall, Verbenas will still be flowering. The only maintenance required, besides fertilizing and watering is the occasional dead heading. My favourite new Royale variety is Peachy Keen. This unusual colour combines well with oranges and reds but also looks fabulous with blues. Butterflies love Verbena flowers too, so don’t wait to check out our hanging baskets, planters or individual pots of Verbena Royale!

Superbena Royale Peachy Keen

King Tut Papyrus Grass


King Tut Papyrus Grass

Add a touch of Egypt to your garden this year!

May 2014

This exotic looking and unique annual grass is sure to catch everyone’s attention! King Tut, as the name suggests, is a type of papyrus that has been bred by Proven Winners for today’s gardens. Strong, tall grass stems shoot up and open at the end in a loose tuft of fine grass. King Tut grows to at least 3 feet, but will grow taller in more moist conditions. Due to its height and dominant presence, this grass makes an excellent specimen plant either in containers or in the garden. Try it in containers mixed with other foliage plants such as Sweet Potato Vine or Plectranthus Nico or even planted by itself for a minimalistic effect. King Tut is heat tolerant, preferring full sun and is very easy to care for. Come and see for yourself!

King Tut Papyrus Grass

King Tut Papyrus Grass


New Superbell colours for 2014!

Easy and showy summer colour!

May 2014

Superbells have been our best selling hanging basket for many years now! They are fantastic performers, flowering all summer and tolerating full sun and heat. They don’t require any dead heading or special care - all they ask is that you fertilize them! Superbells combine really well with a range of other plants including Sweet Potato Vine and trailing Petunias. One of the best features of Superbells is that they come in a huge range of colours so you can be sure to find a colour to suit any taste or outdoor décor. This season we are excited to be adding 5 new colours of Superbells to our collection:

Since they are so unique, my favourites have to be Lemon Slice and Cherry Star. Make sure you don’t miss them – they will be popular! Come on over to see our full range of Superbell colours – all available in planters, hanging baskets and individual pots.

Lemon Slice and Cherry Star Superbells

Lemon Slice and Cherry Star Superbells


Cheery colour for spring

May 2014

ViolasSince this spring is off to a slow and cool start, why not make the most of it and plant some lovely Violas? We grow a range of colours in cell trays – so great flower power for your money. Violas thrive in cool conditions and will withstand frosts so they are perfect for planting now! Dress up containers at your front door or plant straight into the ground. Often they will self seed so if planting in the ground, expect some babies to pop up next year. Violas do best in full sun but will tolerate some shade. Since they are a cool weather crop, when the heat of the summer comes, they will often look a little sad and leggy so don’t hesitate to pull out and replace with summer flowers.

Carex grass Toffee Twist

Beautiful bronze foliage

May 2013

Impatiens Fusion GlowI love using annual ornamental grasses in containers – they add such great texture to a combination mix, as well as being incredibly easy to grow and very hardy in the heat. Carex Toffee Twist is new to our greenhouses this year and is an unusual and beautiful bronze coloured grass. It grows 18 – 24” tall and arches over gently at the top. Toffee Twist looks fantastic combined with red, orange or yellow flowers or foliage, like Coleus Sedona or Superbells Tequila Sunrise shown in the photo. It can also be planted in the ground and looks fantastic mixed in with perennial plants. One of the great features of all annual grasses is that they will look fabulous right past the fall frosts and can even be left in planters to help create seasonal winter displays along with greenery and branches. Try a ‘touch of toffee’ in your garden this season!

Exotic Impatiens Fusion Glow

A special plant for the shade

May 2013

Impatiens Fusion GlowWe have been growing this little known gem of an annual for a while now and I would like more people to discover how great it is! Impatiens Fusion Glow is not like your ‘normal’ Impatiens – it is much taller, forming a neat mound 10 to 16” in height. Flowers are a large version of the traditional Impatiens, and the colour is stunning! Picture a subtle and gorgeous soft yellow with an orange centre.

Fusion Glow is a wonderful plant for full or part shade – an east or north facing aspect is ideal. In containers, Fusion Glow can be combined with other shade loving flowers such as Dragon Wing Begonia, Lobelia or Torenia and foliage such as Vinca Vine, Coleus or Sweet Poatato Vine. In the ground, combine with other annuals or perennials, water, fertilize and enjoy for the season!

Gallery Dahlias

Easy and showy summer colour!

May 2013

Dahlias have been grown and loved by gardeners and flower arrangers since the 1800s. There are thousands of different varieties all of which grow from an underground storage organ called a tuber. At the farm we have chosen to grow the Gallery series of Dahlias. They are known as pot Dahlias and form a dense, compact mound that grows to about 1 to 1.5 feet high. Double flowers are large, showy and long lasting. Just plant in good soil with full sun and remember to fertilize and deadhead once in a while. They will reward you by flowering all summer up until frost.

Gallery Dahlias are excellent to use both in containers or planted straight into the ground. Enjoy for the season, then dig up and store the tubers for the winter in your basement. Over the growing season the tubers will have grown and you will get bigger plants when you plant again the next year. We grow yellow, red, salmon or pink – plenty of colour choice! In pots, combine with other sun loving vigorous annuals including trailing Petunias, Verbenas or Sweet Potato Vines.

Gallery Dahlias or pot Dahlias

Gallery Dahlia

Oxalis Wine

Purple shamrock – for a touch of the Irish!

May 2012

This lovely annual plant forms large 12 to 16” mounds of rich burgundy - purple shamrock foliage and is covered in small white flowers all summer long. Oxalis Wine adds an unusual touch to the shady or semi shady garden. Being a Proven Winner annual, you can be sure that it is easy to grow and that you will be well rewarded with colour all season long. Like most other Proven Winner plants, Oxalis requires no deadheading and is quite drought tolerant. Try in the ground or in containers as a filler blended with white Euphorbia Diamond Frost or taller lime green Talinum Limon. An added bonus - at the end of the year, plants can be potted up and brought inside where you can enjoy them as a house plant through the winter.

Oxalis Wine

Mecardonia Golddust

Bright and hardy annual!

May 2012

Mecardonia GolddustI discovered this delightful little annual a couple of years ago at the Proven Winner trial gardens. At first glance in 4” pots it doesn’t look like much and easily gets passed by, but it really comes into its own in the summer heat and puts on a tremendous show all season long. Golddust has a very low growth habit with spreading foliage – similar to a perennial ground cover. It is covered with tiny yellow flowers all summer long and into the fall. I grew Golddust on my own deck last summer in a shallow bowl and it thrived in full sun. Even when allowed to dry out to a crisp it came back beautifully! It never went off bloom like some annuals will do in the summer heat and looked great well into the fall, even surviving a few frosts. We have Golddust available in 4” pots and hanging baskets. Try planting alone or mixing with other trailers such as lime or purple Sweet Potato Vine or blue Lobelia.

Sweet Potato Vine Varieties

Vigorous summer colour!

May 2012

Sweet Potato Vines are a real staple around here!! They are fantastic in mixed planters, hanging baskets or planted in the ground where they will sprawl and fill out beautifully. These foliage plants have a mounding and trailing habit and their vigorous growth and colourful leaves make them very popular. Plant breeders have been very busy in the last 5 years and there are now quite a variety of shapes and colours available. This year we are growing 5 different Sweet Potato Vine varieties. Lime is one of the oldest colours and is very vigorous, usually requiring trimming to prevent it taking over other plants. A less vigorous option is Light Green, shown in the photo with pink Petunias, which is brand new for 2012.  Light green is more manageable, while still being easy to grow. Raven is a beautiful dark purple colour and blends well with pinks and blues. Tricolour is a mix of pink, cream and green and adds a delicate pastel tone to combinations. As the photo shows, Bronze is a gorgeous coppery colour and blends well with reds and grasses. Plant Sweet Potato Vines in sun or partial shade. They love the heat and the hotter the summer, the more they will grow. Consequently, be careful with them in early spring – they are very tender and even a cold wind can damage them. Ensure all risk of frost is passed before you plant them out.

Light Green, new for 2012 with pink Petunias

Sweet Potato Vine

Bronze is a gorgeous coppery colour
and blends well with reds and grasses

Bronze Sweet Potato Vine

Impatiens Patchwork Pink
A twist on the normal... for shade!

May 2011

Impatients Patchwork PinkMost gardeners are familiar with the popular low, spreading Impatiens that does amazingly well in the shade. Impatiens Patchwork Pink is a twist on the normal and was released into the marketplace for the 2011 season, after years of breeding work. Plants grow into large mounds, 10" - 16" in height. It too loves shade or part shade and looks fantastic in containers or in the ground. The stunning feature of this plant are the large spectacular blooms in two tone pink which cover the plant all season long. As with all Impatiens, no deadheading or special maintenance is necessary. Plant with Sweet Potato Vine Blackie and Coleus Perilla magilla for a stunning mixed container that will thrive in the shade and give you colour all season long.

Superbells Blackberry Punch & Coralberry Punch

Brand new for 2011 from Proven Winners
April 2011

Blackberry Punch SuperbellsSuperbells have always been one of our best selling annual varieties. They are such a terrific garden performer and will just keep on growing and flowering all season long. Find a hot and sunny spot for these plants and they will thrive! They are low maintenance, requiring no deadheading and come in a huge range of colours to please any taste. Last summer while visiting the Proven Winner trials in Grimsby, we got a sneak peak at two new colours being released for 2011. We have grown both Coralberry Punch (below) and Blackberry Punch (right) this year and they look magnificent. The dark centres of both these varieties really give the blooms depth and a touch of the unusual. In a hanging basket or planter, Superbells perform beautifully, forming a cascading, dense mound. In the ground they spread well and look great planted in groups of three. Must be seen! Coralberry Punch Superbell

Edible Pansies and Violas
Toss in a salad or use as a garnish

April 2011

As usual we have a fantastic selection of Pansy and Violas this season, including many new beautiful colours to tempt you! One of the great little known features of these flowers is that you can eat them!! Just pick off the blooms and toss them in a salad or use as a garnish. With names such as Viola Blackberry Sundae mix, Sorbet Citrus mix or Coconut Swirl they are difficult to resist! Oh and did I mention they have a gorgeous scent too? A lovely touch for Easter dinner!

Pansies and Violas

Another bonus to these gorgeous delicacies is that they are tolerant of cold temperatures and frost, even snow, so they are good to put outside now. Pansy plants feature large blooms, which should be deadheaded for the best effect. By the time the weather gets hot in June, they are usually looking a little sad, so are best replaced with more heat tolerant plants. Violas, on the other hand, produce smaller flowers but in profusion. They are more heat tolerant than Pansies and can survive the whole summer and into the fall if they are given a little shade. Pick up a pot or bowl to decorate your dinner plate and front door!

Petunia Pinstripe
Brand new colour for 2011!

April 2011

Petunia PinstripeThere has been a real breakthrough in Petunia breeding for this season, with three new 'black' Petunias being released - you may see quite a bit of hype in the gardening media about them. Breeders have been trying forever to breed 'black' flowers and this is a real achievement for the breeders at Ball. Last summer at the Ball grower plant trials, we saw all three of the new 'black' offerings and have chosen Petunia Pinstripe to grow this year. We liked it the best out of the three. It offers a unique dark flower with a hint of a cream star pattern, just enough to offset the dark tone.

As with all trailing Petunias, Pinstripe is sun and heat loving and very easy to grow, requiring no deadheading. Also, don't forget to fertilize - trailing Petunias are heavy feeders, please fertilize regularly with a soluble fertilizer to avoid a 'straggly' look. Our basket design department (me!) has been creative over the winter and designed a gorgeous mixed basket with Petunia Pinstipe, Petunia Silverberry and Bidens Goldilocks. Great for the customer looking for a finished basket to hang or drop into another container. We have also grown Pinstripe in plain hanging baskets and 4" pots. Must be seen!!

Verbena bonariensis
Attract butterflies to your garden with this easy, yet unusual annual!

June 2010

Verbena BonariensisThis annual Verbena is certainly a bit of a mouthful, but is a very special plant! Tall, slender stems carry 2 - 3" clusters of lavender purple flowers all summer long. Plants grow to about 3 - 4 feet, sway gently in the breeze, but do not flop. If you prefer a shorter, more well branched plant, just cut back from time to time throughout the season. Butterflies absolutely adore Verbena bonariensis and this plant is easier to fit into smaller gardens than the larger Buddleia or Butterfly Bush. Plant in large masses or intersperse through the garden to create a natural, informal feel. One of the many great features of this plant is that it reseeds reliably from year to year so watch out for seedlings next spring. It is also a fantastic flower for cutting - we grew it here on the farm in our flower fields for many years. Try some today and see for yourself!!

Image courtesy of Walters Gardens Inc.

Talinum Verde
Delicate look, hardy plant!

April 2010

Talinum Talinum is a stunning and unique new annual plant which must be tried!! It is available in two colours - lime green Limon, which we have grown for a few years and now Verde - a dark leaved form. Both types are upright growers with tiny airy pink flowers held on stems above the foliage. The flowers immediately turn into tiny red seed pods, so the effect becomes very delicate and airy. These plants are far from delicate, though - they stand up to substantial wind and will tolerate heat. Both types grow about 2 feet tall, including the seed pods and will do well in sun or shade. For a simple yet effective planting, try Talinum as a central 'thriller' plant with Euphorbia Diamond Frost and purple Oxalis Wine planted around as 'fillers'.

Pansies and Violas
A true sign that spring has sprung!

April 2010

Pansies and ViolasThis year we have increased our collection of Pansies and Violas to offer a larger selection of colours. I had fun deciding on varieties to grow and we hope you like our choices. Pansies are large flowers, available in a range of colours that will withstand frost in the spring. Check out our new Fizzy Lemonberry Pansies- sound delicious eh? As the summer warms up, Pansies will die back and are better pulled out and replaced with summer annuals. Violas are much smaller flowers than Pansies, but are produced in profusion. My favourite this year is Coconut Swirl, a creamy Viola with touches of blue. Violas, like Pansies also have tolerance for frost and can be planted out by mid April. They have much better heat tolerance than Pansies and can sometimes be kept going all summer long with a bit of shade and good water. We have a bright and cheery selection of Pansies and Violas available in cell packs, market packs, pots and bowls. Stop by anytime to pick some up or plan on attending our Pansies for Paws event ~ April 25th to help support the Alliston District Humane Society.

Petunia Pretty Much Picasso
Hot new colour for 2010!

April 2010

Petunia Pretty Much PicassoWe first saw this new unique trailing Petunia at the Proven Winner Grower Trials in Grimsby last summer. Sandi, Maria and I braved the rain and scouted out new varieties to grow for 2010. When we saw this plant, all 3 of us immediately leapt on it! Petunia Pretty Much Picasso is a breakthrough in plant breeding, and absolutely stunning. Flowers are two tone deep pink with a lime edge and plants are very vigorous, creating a beautiful cascading look and blooming non stop all summer. As with all trailing Petunias, Picasso is sun and heat loving and very easy to grow, requiring no deadheading. Also, don't forget to fertilize - trailing Petunias are heavy feeders, please fertilize regularly with a soluble fertilizer to avoid a 'straggly' look. Try Picasso with Supertunia Citrus or Petunia Purple Wave and add some Lime Sweet Potato Vine for a truly tropical effect. Available in hanging baskets and individual 4" pots.

Scaevola New Wonder
Easy breezy blue!

June 2009

Scaevola New WonderIf you haven't yet been introduced to the fabulous, easy to grow Scaevola or Blue Fan Flower, then now is the time! We have been growing this gem for over 10 years, and it continues to make it onto my top 10 list every year. Scaevola New Wonder was one of the first plant introductions from the now famous Proven Winner plant breeders. It was selected to be extremely drought tolerant and hardy in the heat and full sun. Its flowers are a pretty medium blue and require no deadheading. Scaevola looks great in a hanging basket or planter, with its spreading airy habit but also can be planted straight into the ground where it will spread and create a ground cover effect. Try it combined with Bidens Peters Gold Carpet and Petunia Purple Wave for an easy, colourful container display.

Argeranthemum Daisy Butterfly
Easy, big colour!

June 2009

Argeranthemum Daisy ButterflyYou really get a great 'bang for your buck' with this gorgeous rich yellow annual Daisy! Argeranthemum Daisy Butterfly is a large, bushy vigorous plant that will flower continuously all season long. It loves full sun and heat, but will also do well in partial sun. Plants grow approx 24" in height, creating a big colour splash in garden beds. Butterfly also looks fabulous in any large container, such as a half barrel. Try combining with orange Coleus Sedona and Scaevola Whirlwind White for a bright classy orange / yellow mix. Argeranthemum is also available in a light creamy yellow selection - Vanilla Butterfly, with all the same fantastic attributes. Both Butterfly and Vanilla Butterfly are very easy and rewarding to grow, requiring only a bit of deadheading and of course as with all annuals, fertilizer all season.

Heliotrope Fragrant Blue
Attract butterflies and hummingbirds with this gorgeous scented annual!

May 2009

Heliotrope Fragrant BlueAs the name so aptly suggests, the scent of this gorgeous annual is absolutely heavenly! Large clusters of deep purple flowers bloom all summer on bushy, vigorous plants. In the garden, plant Heliotrope Fragrant Blue close to a door, patio or path so you can enjoy their beautiful scent often. They also make stunning centre pieces in containers - try combining with Verbena Lilac Blue and Petunia Blue Wave for a beautiful blue container creation!! Heliotrope Fragrant Blue will thrive in full or part sun and grow 12 - 15" in height. Another big bonus - butterflies and hummingbirds love these flowers too!

Dragon Wing Begonia
Have you experienced the 'Dragon' yet?

May 2009

Dragon Wing BegoniasDragon Wing Begonias are one of my favourite annuals of all time - everyone needs a Dragon Wing somewhere in their garden! Flowers are either bright red or soft pink, both with a yellow centre and are held above beautiful glossy green 'wing' shaped leaves. The effect is an upright bushy clump with foliage that arches and flowers that hang. The best thing about these Begonias is that they will grow in any light from full sun to full shade. They are not fussy!! If they are grown in full sun, you will find them to be extremely drought and heat tolerant. As with all other annuals, they should be fertilized regularly - if the leaves turn red or start to curl, they need more food. I love the bright red Dragon Wing Begonia, combined with Sweet Potato Vine Lime and yellow Bidens for sun and grey Licorice for shade. Dragon Wing Red and Pink are available in numerous planter and hanging basket combinations and individual 4" pots. Not to be missed!!

Super flower power!

April 2009

SupertuniasSupertunias are really just that - 'Super' Petunias that will grow and bloom non stop all summer! They come in a huge range of colours and are extremely easy to grow, loving sun and heat and requiring no deadheading. In a basket or container they create a beautiful cascading look, while in the ground they will spread to create a carpet of blooms. This season, we are growing 17 colours of trailing Petunias, ranging from purest white to rich, royal purple with 2 fantastic new colours for 2009 - Amethyst (deep violet - pink) and Citrus (soft yellow). For a stunning effect, try combining Supertunia Citrus with Calibrachoa Superbells Tequila Sunrise and Sweet Potato Vine Blackie. Only one thing to note - as these Petunias are heavy feeders, please fertilize regularly with soluble fertilizer or you may end up with a 'straggly' look. Available in hanging baskets, planters and individual 4" pots.

Solenia Begonia
Dark Pink Sun loving Begonia!

June 2008

Solenia BegoniaDo you love the showy Tuberous Begonias, but have too much heat and sun for them? The sun loving Solenia Begonias may be just the plant for you! The photo shows a Dark Pink flower, but they also come in Cherry Red, Light Yellow and Apricot. They love heat and sun and are an excellent choice for containers or in the ground. Flowers are large and showy and foliage a glossy deep green. In containers, try the Solenia Begonia Dark Pink combined with the purple trailing foliage Plectranthus Nico and the light and airy white Euphorbia Diamond Frost. Beautiful and easy!!

Please Fertilize your Annuals!

June 2008

Feed your plantsAll our planters and hanging baskets grown here have been top dressed with a slow release granular fertilizer, which releases nutrients throughout the summer. This is like insurance for us, if you do not fertilize, we know the plants will be OK. However, for best results, please remember to fertilize your annuals with a soluble fertilizer such as Proven winners or Miracle Grow at least twice a week, or even more often. Many customers prefer to fertilize every day, then they are less likely to forget. You cannot overdo it! If you have planted your own containers, they also will benefit from a one time top dressing with a slow release granular fertilizer and then regular applications of soluble fertilizer throughout the season. You will be amazed with the results of fertilizing and your plants should remain healthy well into the fall.

Kong Coleus
The King of Colour!

June 2008

If you have never grown the fantastic Kong Coleus, now is your chance! We have a good selection of colours still available to choose from. This shade loving Coleus has huge leaves and grows 18 - 24" in height and width. The sheer size of the leaves and plant, combined with the eye catching foliage colours make this plant a real showstopper! I think they look great in containers by themselves, where they can be truly appreciated.

Available in:

King Kong Coleus

Begonia Baby Wing White
Great in sun or shade

May 2008

Begonia Baby Wing WhiteWe have grown the versatile and showy Begonia Baby Wing Pink for several years, but this year it is available in White. Baby Wing White features small bright white flowers with yellow centres. It blends beautifully with other yellow flowers such as Bidens. The leaves are glossy green and the plant has a mounding habit (great as a 'filler' in containers - see Katies Tips on Amazing Containers). The best feature of this Begonia is that it is not fussy about light conditions and will perform amazingly in both sun and shade. Baby Wing White is available in various hanging baskets, planters and in individual pots. Blend with yellow Bidens and Sweet Potato Vine Lime for a stunning and easy container.

Talinum Limon
Brand New Annual for 2008!

May 2008

Talinum LimonKatie spotted this stunning annual in grower trials last summer and just had to have it! We are so impressed with this plant! Vibrant foliage is lime green and tiny airy flowers are bright pink, creating an airy, wispy effect. The flowers form beautiful tiny berries and stay gorgeous all summer. No deadheading required. The plant has an upright habit, growing about 2 feet tall and does well in full or partial sun. Try in the centre of a planter with yellow Bidens and blue Superbells or Petunia. Very unique!

Calibrachoa Superbells
Stunning colours, easy to grow

March 2008

Calibrachoas or 'Superbells' are our best selling annuals. They cannot be beaten for stunning, all season colour. The small Petunia like flowers are showy, require no deadheading and love the heat. They are excellent in hanging baskets as they have a semi cascading habit, but are equally showy in planters and the garden. Our range of colours increases every year - for 2008 we have selected 14 colours including 4 new selections: Apricot Punch (golden apricot), Cherry Red, Yellow and Katie's favourite, Dreamsicle (shimmery, vibrant orange) - shown in the photo with Katie! We grow Superbells in various hanging Baskets, planters and in individual pots.


Fantastic Foliage

June 2007

ColeusColeus is one of my favourite annuals to use both in planters and the garden. It is so easy to grow, creating a colourful bushy mound of foliage that gets bigger and better as the season goes on. There are varieties for sun or shade, but many types grow well in either, making this plant very versatile. I often use them in the centre of a planter instead of the common Draceana Spike and then tie in the flowering plants with the colour of Coleus. They will benefit from a regular pinching of the growing point and will grow even fuller as a result. There are so many varieties, in such a range of colours and heights that you can be sure to find one to suit. We still have a good selection of Coleus including dark purple Dark Star, butter yellow and pink Amora (shown in photo), red / green toned Alabama and the huge striking Kong selections.

Summer Snapdragon

May 2007

AngeloniaWe have been growing the annual Angelonia now for several years, but it often gets passed by in the early spring rush in the greenhouses as it is not in full bloom until now. Angelonia is an upright bushy annual with airy mini Snapdragon flower spikes. It looks dainty and fragile but it is extremely heat tolerant and tough, requiring no dead heading and minimum of attention. We grow 2 gorgeous colours - Deep Plum and Lavender. Excellent in containers or in the garden.

Cleome Senorita Rosalita
New for 2007!

May 2007

Cleome Senorita RosalitaThis brand new annual Cleome is not to be missed! We have given it pride of place right at the front of our main greenhouse. It is absolutely stunning! Bushy, tall plants grow 2 - 3 feet and are covered all over with vivid pink blooms. Senorita Rosalita is an extremely vigorous grower, flowering all summer and loving the heat. It is also reportedly deer proof, good news for us country gardeners. Brand new release in North America for 2007!

Vigorous Growers
Love the Heat!

April 2007

VerbenaVerbena are easy annuals that come in a range of striking colours. They make full and bright hanging baskets or form a fast growing ground cover in the garden. This year we are growing 8 colours, with 3 new selections:

Euphorbia Diamond Frost
A Just About Perfect Annual

April 2007

Diamond FrostWe first grew this amazing new annual Euphorbia last year and we and anyone who bought it loved it! Clouds of airy white blooms just keep on coming well into fall, requiring no dead heading. Diamond Frost loves full sun and has exceptional heat and drought tolerance. Don't worry, we have grown heaps more this year, in planters, hanging baskets and individual pots. Not to be missed!

PS Don't forget about our Container Planting Service.

Calibrachoa Superbells
Stunning Colours, Easy to Grow

March 2007

SuperbellsWe have grown these amazing annual plants for years, but each year the colours and plant performance improve as the breeding and selection process continues. Superbells are showy, require no dead heading and love heat. They are excellent in hanging baskets as they have a semi cascading habit, but are equally showy in planters and the garden. This year we are growing 10 colours, including 3 new selections: Coral (orange - pink), Tickled Pink (soft pink, with plum centre, shown in photo) and White. The only hard part about growing these beauties is choosing the colour!!





Globe Thistle

Exotic Impatiens

Bleeding Hearts

Super Bells