Deer and Rabbit Resistant Plants

Most of us find out the hard way that hungry deer and rabbits will eat almost any plants. It can become a real problem, both in country gardens and also in more urban areas. Damage caused by deer and rabbits is not hard to identify – browsing deer often leave a jagged or torn surface on twigs and stems. Rabbit or rodent damage will leave a clean cut surface, usually at a 45 degree angle, like a person has snipped the plant with a good pair of pruners. Even though there are few truly deer and rabbit resistant plants you can, however make your garden a little less inviting by including plants they dislike and excluding those they prefer. In general deer and rabbits avoid plants with a sticky or rough texture, plants with spines or prickles and many plants with fragrant foliage.

Perennials least liked by deer and rabbits

Anenome Daffodil Lavender
Astilbe Delphinium Ligularia Desdemona
Beebalm Euphorbia Ornamental Grasses
Blanket Flower Foxglove Peony
Bleeding Heart Hellebore Rosemary
Buddleia Hyssop Salvia
Catmint Icelandic Poppy Siberian Iris
Columbine Lady’s Mantle  Yarrow
Coreopsis Lambs Ear

Deer Eating Hostas

Deer Eating Hostas

Some plants, including the ones listed below are definite favourites. Try to avoid these plants or use them as lures to protect more treasured plants.

Plants loved by deer and rabbits

Apple Crocus Penstemon
Bearded Iris Daylily Perennial Geranium
Black Eyed Susan Hemlock Phlox
Cedar Hollyhock Sedum
Cherry Hosta Tulip
Coneflower Impatiens

In general deer and rabbits avoid plants with a sticky or rough texture, plants with spines or prickles and many plants with fragrant foliage.