Long lasting colour for the shade
This fabulous Astilbe is one of my favourite perennials! Long lasting, upright, fluffy dark red flowers are very striking and last for 6 to 8 weeks in July and August. When the flowers are finished, the glossy foliage remains fresh and full and the seed heads are interesting into the fall.
Vision in Red will grow better in some shade, but unlike most other Astilbes can also withstand some drought and tolerate sun. It grows 15 – 20″ tall and is absolutely stunning planted in a group of 3 or more. The photo shows a group of Astilbe Vision in Red plants still in bud, combined with Ligularia Desdemona, Yew, Ladies Mantle and Hydrangea Annabelle.

A group of Astilbe Vision in Red plants still in bud, combined with Ligularia Desdemona, Yew, Ladies Mantle and Hydrangea Annabelle.