
Pickled or Fresh – brand new trial varieties

This season, I was fortunate enough to be offered some sample trial seed from Ball Seed, one of the large seed companies that I buy from. The trial seed is for varieties that will be released for commercial sale in 2017. I selected 2 new cucumbers – Martini and Gherking to trial.

Martini – Sweet and crunchy, this unusual white skinned slicing cucumber has a non bitter white interior. Fruit should be harvested at 5-6” length when the skin is tender and does not need peeling. Plants are very high yielding and perform well in heat.

Gherking – A pickling cucumber which can be eaten fresh or pickled. Dark green gherkins are cylindrical and non bitter. For best results, harvest at 3-5” long. Gherking has excellent disease resistance and yields are early and large.

Sound interesting? Try them out and let us know how these 2 brand new varieties worked for you!

Gherking and Martini

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