New twist on a classic favourite perennial
Bleeding Hearts are one of the most popular and best loved perennials for shady spring colour. They typically grow quite tall with green foliage and white or pink flowers. Dicentra Gold Heart, however is a radiant yellow leaved Bleeding Heart which will create a brilliant focal point in the shade garden. It is shorter than the more common forms, growing a more manageable 18” – 24” tall and requires full to part shade.
Arching sprays of heart shaped pink flowers appear late spring. As with other varieties of Bleeding Heart, the plant will go dormant in the summer, so plant plenty of other colour around it which will take over the space in the summer and fall. Good companion plants include Hostas, Astilbes or Brunnera. I know I will be finding a space for Gold Heart in my gardens this year – if there are any left!

Dicentra Gold Heart photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc.