Old fashioned flowers making a come back!
Two of the seven hanging baskets that were featured in our 2018 Hanging Basket Challenge used Fuchsias to make a real statement. This showy upright annual with unique hanging flowers comes in many colours and forms and has been around for ‘donkey’s years’. Many of us will remember our Grandmothers growing them. Over the last few years, with many other ‘newer’ annuals now available, Fuchsia has become more difficult to find. However, newer isn’t always better! Here at the farm, we have seen interest in Fuchsia increase again and have received many requests to grow more varieties.
This year, we are growing two stunning varieties. Dollar Princess features ruffled royal purple and red flowers, whereas the unusual violet-blue and white flowers of Delta’s Sarah work wonders to brighten up a shady area. Combine Fuchsias with other shade loving flowers such as Begonias, Lobelia, New Guinea Impatiens and foliage such as Ivy and Plectranthus Nico in hanging baskets or planters for a spectacular display all season long.

Fuchsia Delta’s Sarah

Fuchsia Dollar Princess
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