Ligularia Desdemona

Ligularia Desdemona

The beautiful large dark green – purple foliage of Ligularia Desdemona creates a dramatic tropical effect in the garden. Ligularia Desdemona blooms late summer when the garden can use a burst of colour.Ligularia Desdemona blooms late summer when the garden can use a burst of colour. The yellow Daisy flowers rise above the foliage, blooming late summer and fall, offering excellent colour at a time of year that often needs a colour lift. Ligularia Desdemona is very easy to grow, reaching a height of about 3 feet and forming a large bushy clump of about 2 – 3 feet width over a few years.

Ligularia Desdemona Likes Shade or Sun

It thrives in full to part shade but will also do fine in full sun if given enough moisture. When it is ‘happy’ it will seed freely and you will have some babies to replant or leave to fill out the patch. Don’t worry, it will not become invasive!! Beautiful planted singly as a specimen, but better in a group of 3 or more. Ligularia Desdemona is sometimes called the leopard plant and it is a perennial least liked by deer and rabbits.