Hot summer survivors
Although the names are a real mouthful (we prefer to call them Dippys and Mandys), these low maintenance annual tropical plants are absolute stunners. Their thick, glossy leaves mean that they are drought tolerant, love the heat and will thrive in a hot summer.

Dipladenia plants form a small bush, growing up to 2 feet in height.
We have grown Dipladenia Summer Romance in red, pink and white. Plants form a small bush, growing up to 2 feet in height and are covered in large trumpet flowers all summer long.

Mandevilla is an annual tropical plant and absolute stunner!
Mandevilla Dundee Pink is similar to the Dippys, although will vine and climb a little more – up to 4 feet in height. Use both types in the centre of planters as a ‘thriller’, or plant in the ground. Just give them 6 plus hours of sun a day and they will bloom non stop all season long. The fun doesn’t stop in the fall…both Dippys and Mandys can be successfully overwintered indoors. Before the frost arrives, bring them inside and grow in a sunny window through the winter. Keep on the dry side and do not fertilize. In the spring, enjoy again in your garden!

Favourite container annual: Mandevilla ‘Dundee Pink’