Have you experienced the ‘Dragon’ yet?
Dragon Wing Begonias are one of my favourite annuals of all time – everyone needs a Dragon Wing somewhere in their garden! Flowers are either bright red or soft pink, both with a yellow centre and are held above beautiful glossy green ‘wing’ shaped leaves. The effect is an upright bushy clump with foliage that arches and flowers that hang. The best thing about these Begonias is that they will grow in any light from full sun to full shade.
Dragon Wing Begonia – They are not fussy!
If they are grown in full sun, you will find them to be extremely drought and heat tolerant. As with all other annuals, they should be fertilized regularly – if the leaves turn red or start to curl, they need more food. I love the bright red Dragon Wing Begonia, combined with foliage such as Sweet Potato Vine Lime or flowers such as yellow Bidens Goldilocks, or Petunia Royal Velvet. Dragon Wing Red and Pink are available in numerous planter and hanging basket combinations and individual 4” pots. Not to be missed!!

Dragon Wing Red and Pink are available in numerous planter and hanging basket combinations and individual 4” pots.

Dragon Wing Begonia in bright red