Wild and beautiful!
Perovskia atriplicifolia or Russian Sage as it is more easily pronounced is a woody, sun loving perennial that flowers late summer, offering sometimes much needed end of season colour. When you are looking at your garden, trying to assess areas that may need new plants, try to imagine how the garden will look by late summer and fall. Is there enough colour? Chances are the answer is no and that Russian Sage might be a great addition to your garden.
Long lasting
Foliage is silver grey, upright and finely divided with a distinct sage type scent. Flowers begin in August and last well into November. They are small and dainty, light azure blue and are held on long branches. The effect is an informal, semi wild and airy look that is equally useful to fill in gaps or plant massed. Russian Sage will get big – up to 3 feet high and wide so make sure you have enough space for this unique perennial.

Russian Sage is a woody, sun loving perennial that flowers late summer.