Helleborus Spanish Flare
Spring Bloomer One of the earliest flowering plants in the garden, Hellebores or Lenten Rose are a true herald of spring. In my garden they flower for weeks in April and May and I just adore them! The flowers of Spanish Flare are exquisite – large 3” diameter, soft yellow with maroon centres – a real beauty. In addition to their great early flower… Read More

Bidens Pretty in Pink
I couldn’t resist bringing in a new Bidens for 2021! Pretty in Pink™ adds a brand new colour tone to the other yellow and orange varieties of Bidens commonly available. This annual thrives in full sun and will delight with dainty pretty pink flowers all summer. Like its orange and yellow cousins, it will intermingle with other plants, such as Supertunias, Verbenas and Superbells… Read More

Strawberry Berried Treasure Red
Plants are ever bearing and will continue producing showy red flowers and fruit all summer.

Calibrachoas are such great garden performers that they have long been one of our staples for baskets and planters.

Cut Flower Transplants
Try a few of these easy to grow flowers and enjoy cut flowers all summer long.

2019 Hanging Basket Challenge Winners
Check out the pictures of the 8 hanging baskets, with their designers and new owners. Congratulations to all the winners and designers!

Grow and Eat your Greens!
Swiss Chard, Kale, Arugula and Lettuce The health benefits of eating plenty of leafy green veggies have been well proven. As usual, we have grown a good selection of transplants this year, all of which are easy to grow and can be planted out when it is still cool. Just find a sunny spot in the garden with good soil. All veggies will benefit… Read More

Cornus Arctic Fire
Arctic Fire Dogwood provides bright winter interest against the snow in the winter and early spring.

Russian Sage
Wild and beautiful! Perovskia atriplicifolia or Russian Sage as it is more easily pronounced is a woody, sun loving perennial that flowers late summer, offering sometimes much needed end of season colour. When you are looking at your garden, trying to assess areas that may need new plants, try to imagine how the garden will look by late summer and fall. Is there enough… Read More