+ sweet peppers


Hot or sweet & easy to grow! Peppers are an easy and rewarding summer vegetable crop and we grow a full selection of both hot and sweet pepper plants. Hot peppers include Hot Portugal – a fiery hot red salsa type which grows to 6” long, Hungarian Yellow Wax – a medium hot, yellow type which grows to 6” long and Jalapeno – a… Read More


A beautiful vegetable! Those of you who know me well will already know that I have a passion for growing and cooking Eggplant and that I am always encouraging others to try growing some of this beautiful vegetable for themselves! If you haven’t had the run down from me personally, here goes… We grow 2 varieties – the large and rounded deep purple Italian… Read More


Cleome Pequena Rosalita

Tall, bold colour all season long! We have grown this stunning annual Cleome for several years now and everyone who buys it comes back for more the following year! Pequena Rosalita is a large, bushy annual plant which performs beautifully in a container or in the ground. Flowers are lilac pink and cover the plant all season long. Unlike the seed grown Cleomes, this… Read More

+ Raspberries


Raspberries should be grown in a sunny location in narrow rows. Canes grow vigorously and may need to be supported with stakes and string.

+ mallow

Malva Zebrina or Mallow

Plants form an upright, bushy mound with 2” wide soft lavender purple flowers, exotically striped with deep maroon veins.

+ ‘Weekender’ Hanging Baskets

Unique ‘Weekender’ Hanging Baskets

Saves water and time! Have you seen our unique and innovative ‘Weekenders’ yet? These baskets measure 16” in diameter and are made of durable, tasteful black plastic. In the bottom of the basket is a large water holding reservoir and a wick system which draws moisture up into the plant roots. Watering is only required every 3 to 4 days and less water is… Read More

+ Brunnera Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens.

Brunnera or Siberian Bugloss

True blue for spring! Brunnera or Siberian Bugloss is one of my favourite all time perennials. It is fairly uncommon and deserves to be planted a lot more than it is! It is a reliable, easy care perennial and once established will pop up year after year. Low clumps of heart shaped leaves grow to about 12” tall and wide and produce upright, airy… Read More

+ Sweet Potato Vine Solar Tower Lime

Sweet Potato Vine Solar Tower Lime

First of its kind! Most customers are familiar with the popular trailing varieties of Sweet Potato Vine. They are one of our standard annual varieties here at the farm and we use them a lot in mixed planters and baskets. Due to some exciting recent breeding work, we are now able to grow the first ever Climbing Sweet Potato Vine, a brand new variety… Read More

+ Basil


We grow many varieties of Basil! Basil is a true taste of summer and due to its short shelf life in supermarkets, is a perfect plant to grow and eat fresh from your garden. This wonderful, aromatic herb is easy to grow in our hot summers and provides rich flavour and colour to many culinary creations, both cooked and fresh. Did you know that… Read More

+ Clusters of star shaped light periwinkle blue flowers are held above the foliage and completely cover the plant for many weeks, from late spring to early summer.

Amsonia Storm Cloud

Unique and exciting new perennial variety Another fabulous introduction from plant breeders Proven Winners, this unusual perennial has a wide, mounding, shrub like habit. Amsonia Storm Cloud emerges from the ground each spring as incredibly dark, near black stems, which grow into olive green leaves with silver veins, somewhat resembling willow foliage. Clusters of star shaped light periwinkle blue flowers are held above the… Read More