+ Favourite container annual: Mandevilla ‘Dundee Pink’

Dipladenia and Mandevilla

Dipladenia and Mandevilla are annual tropical plants and absolute stunners!


Native shrub provides year round interest Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis) is a native shrub that you will find growing in our countryside. It is also a wonderful large shrub for the garden, eventually growing to about 20’ high and 10’ wide. Each plant is multi stemmed and as the plant grows it develops into a beautiful airy architectural shape. Leaves are small and silvery green…. Read More

Butterfly Bush

Buddleia, Butterfly magnets for the garden Our aptly named Buddleia or Butterfly Bush are just starting to come into bloom in our perennial house. If you would like to try growing a real butterfly magnet plant and you have a sunny, sheltered location, then you must consider Buddleia! Choose from Prince Charming (cerise pink flowers) or Blue Knight (lavender purple flowers). Woody plants reach… Read More

+ Creeping Phlox Red Wing (Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens)

Creeping Phlox Red Wing

Vibrant spring time colour! Need an extra splash of colour in your garden in the spring? Creeping Phlox Red Wing may be the plant for you! Vibrant carmine pink flowers are extremely eye catching, blooming when most other perennials are just starting to poke out of the ground. This hardy perennial ground cover forms a low growing carpet of evergreen foliage which is completely… Read More

Sweet Potato Vine Varieties

Vigorous summer colour! Sweet Potato Vines are a real staple around here! They’re fantastic in mixed planters, hanging baskets or planted in the ground where they will sprawl and fill out beautifully. These foliage plants have a mounding and trailing habit and their vigorous growth and colourful leaves make them very popular. Plant breeders have been very busy in the last while and there… Read More

+ Harvest healthy greens from our Mixed Kale Planters all season long – just cut and they will regrow.

Herb and Veggie Containers

Harvest healthy greens from our Mixed Kale Planters all season long – just cut and they will regrow.

+ Heritage Tomatoes

Heritage Tomatoes

Heritage or heirloom tomatoes are old style varieties that have been in production for at least 50 years. Over the years, advances have been made to plant breeding and production methods and these varieties are now rarely grown commercially. Heritage tomatoes are available in a huge range of sizes, shapes and colours and have fantastic flavor. However, they are not resistant to a wide… Read More

Astilbe Vision in Red

Long lasting colour for the shade This fabulous Astilbe is one of my favourite perennials! Long lasting, upright, fluffy dark red flowers are very striking and last for 6 to 8 weeks in July and August. When the flowers are finished, the glossy foliage remains fresh and full and the seed heads are interesting into the fall. Vision in Red will grow better in… Read More

+ Spreading Zinnia Profusion

Spreading Zinnia Profusion

Bright and easy annuals! We have grown spreading Zinnias for many years now and they are often passed by in the greenhouses as they are typically sold green or in bud and are just not as eye catching as the flowering plants. Do not pass this plant by again! Once planted and established in your garden, Profusion Zinnias will put on a show stopping… Read More

+ Instant Garden Pot

Instant Garden Pot

Pop one of our new annual Instant Garden Pots in a container or in the ground for instant colour that will last all summer! Each of our combo 1 gallon pots contains 3 colour coordinated premium Proven Winner varieties that will grow together successfully and spread to create beautiful blooms until frost. Instant Plantification Choose from 10 different combos to suit all colour schemes…. Read More